We'd love for you
to join us!
Contact us
801 Harrison Road
Martin, Tennessee 38237
What Should I Wear?
Don't worry about what you wear, we're glad to see you and are excited that you have come to worship with us!
Where do I Park?
Guest parking is located just a few steps away from the main entrance. Simply, look for the parking spots that say: "Guest Parking."
What can I expect at worship services?
Each worship service is planned around praise and worship through music, prayer, fellowship, and life-changing bible study. You can expect to see friendly faces, feel welcomed, and most importanly, experience the presence of God.
What about children?
While mom and dad are in the worship service, children (ages 4+) are given the opportunity to experience a worship service that is relevant to them just steps away from where their parents are worshipping. Children under 4 are invited to stay in the nursery.
Tell me about sunday school.
Sunday School and Connect Groups, for all ages, begin at 9:30. This is the perfect time and place to build friendships and grow closer to God through bible study and sharing common life experiences.
Tell me about the nursery.
Our Nursery is for children under 4 during our worship services. Our nursery is clean, safe, and filled with qualified volunteers that love infants and preschoolers. If you enter the worship center through the main entrance, the nursery is located to your right. Click on the "Children's Ministry" tab to learn more.
Where do i belong?
Check out all the opportunities we have for you here.
We have a place for you no matter what season of life you are going through. We have Sunday School groups for all age ranges, including children, youth, college, young adults, and seniors.
College students meet at the LC (1450 Stella Ruth Road), and the youth (6-12th grade) meet in the youth house, the building located behind the main building in the back parking lot. All other classes will be in the main church building.
Weekly services:
Early Worship Service at 8AM
Sunday School at 9:30 AM
Worship Service at 10:30AM
Evening Service at 6PM
Evening Service at 6:30PM
Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 8AM-4:30PM